發音歡樂樸克卡 Phoncards
1組2副 / 2 Decks
sampleHow to usegames
NT$: 179 

The Natural and Easy Way for Learning English Phonics - The Pyramid Method (Book 1, Book 2)
2書 1 mp3 / 2 Books & 1mp3
sample 1sample 2sample 3
NT$: 500  

The Natural and Easy Way for Learning English Phonics - Hand Book
1書1CD / 1 Book & 1 CD
NT$: 199  


●No need for special symbols outside the alphabet itself (Includes K.K. reference).

●Students learn to sound out words, not just memorize them.

●Introduces pronunciation rules systematically in both English and Chinese.

●Uses picture word association for learning retention (over 1000 pictures).


●Full glossary with phonetic spellings.

 版權所有  翻印必究  All Rights Reserved
 商標、專利權審理中  Patent Pending.